
Showing posts from 2019

Realize a mistake today

Should learn from Tarun:  Ensure things are absolutely clear before making decisions. (Mistake regarding iOS Developer Enterprise Program vs iOS Developer Program) (Or actually I do not make mistake? Should write email for important decision next time)



10 Morning Habits Geniuses Use To Jump Start Their Brain

Check Jim Kwik video

Read book in one book a week! Jim Kwik leaders are readers 45 minutes a day Schedule book reading Self love and self care is not selfish Read when you awake

Learning on Java

Null check is required before call of a function synchronized is critical section Exception chaining String is immutable == comparing the address, use .equals instead Refer to

Ruby native gem installation

On 2.5: gem install ox --platform=ruby On 1.9.3: Error occurs with following steps Download "DevKit-tdm-32-4.5.2-20110712-1620-sfx.exe" from Follow But compilation issue of "undefined reference to `RSTRUCT_GET'" is encountered


My knowledge is rusty, needs to constantly reading and writing. volatile (vs synchronized) has different meaning in Java. Unlike C++, everything is either volatile or constant. immutable is important keyword in Java, means the value cannot be changed. Java slowness is on garbage collector. Thus, implementation should be organized in certain way.




Joeman对费尔马大定理有了解真的震撼到我了。 没想到娱乐性的youtuber也对数学有一定的了解。 人是多面的。所以我也应该多开放自己,投入一定的时间学习不一样的东西。


想锻炼和小孩子一起玩的手工。也想录影。 开始准备工具吧。清空电话的照片。




上个星期本来有一些想法和经验要记录起来,可是因为各种各样的小事情拖延了。 现在要回顾都不太记得了。 所以记录感觉要及时。 刚刚又重看柯文哲用科学讲政治的影片。很羡慕他可以这样博学。听了之后,一直在想我和他的差距在哪里。也许是缺少自我的反省和与别人的分享?不断地积累才会给人博学的感觉。 昨晚和家人烧烤。也许烧烤一直没有美好的回忆,所以没有很投入。希望没有让老婆很失望。 今天就这样,希望之后可以每天的记录。

Sleepy Day

Yesterday is a tough day as I have not slept enough.  Not doing things efficiently.  Should avoid to play game at midnight.

Watching experience of "Alita: Battle Angel"

It is wonderful that I am able to watch the movie "Alita: Battle Angel" with my wife the night before Valentine day.  The arrangement is impromptu and really thanks for mother in law to always tolerate this kind of arrangement and take care of two children. The movie shows off the state of the art of Computer Graphics (CG) and animations especially on the mixture of CG with reality. There are quite a number of scenes which surprises me how delicate the CG could be, especially finger movement and during Alita is put back to body designed for her. Happy that I did not miss the chance to see this movie with my wife in the cinema.

Learning from TransferWise Coding Contest #2

It is an impromptu decision to participate in TransferWise Coding Contest #2 on 12 Feb 2019.  However, since the contest is at Aperia and eday is paid, it is motivating for me to experience a different kind of events. Initially, I thought that the contest is related to drone.  I found out on the spot that they are using HackerRank. TransferWise offers services to send money in converted currency to another account. This is a smart way for them to organize the event and achieve multiple purposes, eg. advertising their services, recruitment, train the staff for organizing the events. The 2 questions are not hard.  However, due to lack of practice, I am unable to resolve any questions in 1.5 hours.  I am only resolved on the next day by spending additional 1.5 hours.  However, there are guys who resolved 2 questions in about 30 minutes.  This prompts me that I need to practice more if algorithm is the direction I want to focus. Forget to m...

Mind-Blowing Talk Heard Today

Your brain is like super computer. It will be programmed as what you think about yourself. Creativity is not something you have, is something you do. Focus is not something you have, is something you do. Memory is not something you have or do not have, memory is something you do. No good or bad memory, but is about trained or untrained memory. You have control in this case, can put in into process, and apply strategy.


在2019,我想做到下面的目标 每月做整体计划和检讨,加强夫妻-亲子关系,人际和事业 每日早晨做计划 每日傍晚做反省 为了健康,体重达到BMI的标准,72kg或以下 我会尽力达成第一次公布的新年愿景。